Customer Service
- Shipping & Delivery
- Privacy & Security
- Returns & Replacements
- Payment, Pricing & Promotions
- Updating Account Information
- Shipping & Delivery
- For all inquiries regarding your order please call 514-274-4132, or e-mail us at [email protected].
- Free Shipping: The following is a list when free shipping is available, it is based on province and order amount:
- Ontario: $750 +
- Quebec: $600 +
- British Columbia: $1250 +
- Alberta: $1000 +
- Saskatchewan: $1000+
- Manitoba: $750 +
- Newfoundland Labrador: $1200 +
- New Brunswick: $1200 +
- Cape Breton: $1200 +
- Nova Scotia: $1200 +
- Prince Edward Island: $1200 +
- Privacy & Security
- All customer information remains the property of A&D Fiesta Inc., and will not be sold or shared with any outside source.
- Returns & Replacements
- All returns and replacements are subject to an authorization number from customer service, please call 514-274-4132, or e-mail [email protected].
- Payment, Pricing & Promotions
- Customers with terms, continue as usual. New customers are required to fill out the merchant account application in order to get their terms set-up or can pay by credit card (visa and mastercard are accepted).
- Minimum opening order $250
- Updating Account Information
- Please call A&D Fiesta Inc. at 514-274-4132, or e-mail [email protected].